Így lőnek kisiskolások Kalasnyikovval

2014 április 22., 19:21
comments 142

A dél-orosz Sztravopol városában működik az Jermolov Kadétiskola. Az állami fenntartású intézmény a normál tanmenet mellett katonai és hazafias alapismeretekre is képzi a diákokat. A katonasuli tanulói kétnapos terepgyakorlaton vettek részt Szengelijevszkoje faluban, ahol megtanultak lőni, és kemény fizikai kiképzésen is átestek.

Fotók: Eduard Korniyenko/Reuterts

Students from the General Yermolov Cadet School wake up during a two-day field exercise near the village of Sengileyevskoye

A student from the General Yermolov Cadet School lies on his bunk during a two-day field exercise near the village of Sengileyevskoye

Students from the General Yermolov Cadet School sit on bunk beds during a two-day field exercise near the village of Sengileyevskoye

A student from the General Yermolov Cadet School plays with her mobile phone during a two-day field exercise near the village of Sengileyevskoye

A student from the General Yermolov Cadet School does push-up as a punishment for losing equipment during a two-day field exercise near the village of Sengileyevskoye

Students from the General Yermolov Cadet School cross themselves in front of an Orthodox crucifix during a two-day field exercise near the village of Sengileyevskoye

A student from the General Yermolov Cadet School takes part in an Orthodox service during a two-day field exercise near the village of Sengileyevskoye



A lecturer shows students from the General Yermolov Cadet School a picture of General Mikhail Skobolev during a military history lesson during a two-day field exercise near the village of Sengileyevskoye

Students from the General Yermolov Cadet School receive weapons training during a two-day field exercise near the village of Sengileyevskoye

Students from the General Yermolov Cadet School take part in weapons training during a two-day field exercise near the village of Sengileyevskoye

Students from the General Yermolov Cadet School run during a two-day field exercise near the village of Sengileyevskoye

Students from the General Yermolov Cadet School sit near a dog during a two-day field exercise near the village of Sengileyevskoye



Students from the General Yermolov Cadet School perform fitness exercises during a two-day field exercise near the village of Sengileyevskoye

Students from the General Yermolov Cadet School take part in weapons training during a two-day field exercise near the village of Sengileyevskoye

A student from the General Yermolov Cadet School takes part in weapons training during a two-day field exercise near the village of Sengileyevskoye

Students from the General Yermolov Cadet School take part in weapons training during a two-day field exercise near the village of Sengileyevskoye


Students from the General Yermolov Cadet School take part in weapons training during a two-day field exercise near the village of Sengileyevskoye

Students from the General Yermolov Cadet School take part in weapons training during a two-day field exercise near the village of Sengileyevskoye

Students from the General Yermolov Cadet School have a meal during a two-day field exercise near the village of Sengileyevskoye


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