Monument to the Murderers

2021 január 31., 18:08
  • At the beginning of 1945, Budapest was a dual battlefield. On the one hand, the German and Hungarian troops fought to hold off the advancement of the Soviets; on the other, Arrow Cross militiamen – who, before the war, used to live ordinary lives as shoemakers, bakers, electricians – went on a manhunt against their fellow countrymen proclaimed as the enemy within.
  • In the 12th district of Budapest, within a stone’s throw of where the massacres took place, a statue of a Turul grabbing a sword reminds us of the unfathomable sins.
  • This film could not have been made without the FORTEPAN community-based photo archive, the novels of Gábor Zoltán, the research efforts of Laura Csonka, György Frisch, László Rab and Krisztián Ungváry.
  • Directed by: Dániel Ács; Editor and Graphic Design: Bence Kiss; Directors of Photography: Tamás Botos, Máté Kőrösi, Zsófia Szász; Colorist: Balázs Budai; Sound engineer: Péter Terner; Production assistant: Veronika Kiss; FPV drone: Cinewhoop Hungary; Translation: Anna Klaniczay
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