Az év leggiccsesebb extrémsport fotói

2014 december 31., 19:57
Robby Naish performs a river tidal wave in Arari, Brazil on May 16th, 2014 // Marcelo Maragni/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20140519-00474 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to for further information. //
photo_camera Robby Naish a brazil Anari folyó árhullámán szörföl. Fotó: Marcelo Maragni/Red Bull Content Pool
Danny MacAskill performs at the abandoned village of Epecuén, Argentina on March 6th 2014 // Fred Murray / Red Bull Content Pool // P-20140526-00774 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to for further information. //
photo_camera A világ egyik legjobb bringása, Danny MacAskill egy elhagyott argentin faluban, Epecuén-ben, forgatott filmet. Ott készül ez a fénykép is. Fotó: Fred Murray / Red Bull Content Pool

Nicholi Rogatkin front flips during Red Bull Rampage in Virgin, Utah, USA on 24 September 2014. // Christian Pondella/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20140925-00009 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to for further information. //
photo_camera Az amerikai Utah-ban rendezik meg minden évben a Rampage nevű kerékpáros versenyt, amin csak a starthely és cél van kijelölve. A cél a lehető legjobb trükkök beadása a kettő között. A képen Nicholi Rogatkin előreszaltó közben. Fotó: Christian Pondella/Red Bull Content Pool

Competitors perform at Red Bull Rally dos Ventos in Lencois Maranhenses National Park, Brazil on September 13th, 2014 // Marcelo Maragni/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20140914-00154 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to for further information. //
photo_camera Kiteszörfösök a brazíliai Lencois Nemzeti Parkban. Fotó: Marcelo Maragni/Red Bull Content Pool

Anhony Perrin, Simone Barraco, Bruno Hoffmann and Kriss Kyle perform during the Red Bull Local Hero Tour at the Houses of Parliament in London, United Kingdom on August 19th 2014  // Rutger Pauw / Red Bull Content Pool // P-20140820-00006 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to for further information. //
photo_camera Anhony Perrin, Simone Barraco, Bruno Hoffmann és Kriss Kyle BMX-esek a Londonban. Rutger Pauw / Red Bull Content Pool

Dane Jackson drops off the edge of a large waterfall during the Red Bull First Descent: Michoacan project, in Tlapacoyan, VE, Mexico, on 4 December, 2013. // John Rathwell / Red Bull Content Pool // P-20140226-00051 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to for further information. //
photo_camera Mexikóban, Tlapacoyan mellett ereszkedik le egy vízesésen Dane Jackson kajakos. Fotó: John Rathwell / Red Bull Content Pool

Dawid Godziek performs during the California trip in Aptos, CA, United States on January 16th 2014 // Bartek Wolinski/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20140217-00207 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to for further information. //
photo_camera Dawid Godziek a superman nevű trükköt mutatja be Kaliforniában. Fotó: Bartek Wolinski/Red Bull Content Pool

Arthur Longo performs at the Hippie Jump at Kitzsteinhorn in Kaprun, Austria on April 27th, 2014 // Markus Rohrbacher / Red Bull Content Pool // P-20141013-00837 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to for further information. //
photo_camera Arthur Longo snowboardos Kaprunban, Ausztirában. Fotó: Markus Rohrbacher / Red Bull Content Pool

Seven divers perform a mass dive from 19 metres after the second training session of the seventh and final stop of the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series, Ik Kil cenote, Yucatan, Mexico, on October 16th 2014. // Dean Treml/Red Bull Cliff Diving // P-20141016-00334 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to for further information. //
photo_camera Hét műugró egyszerre vetí le magát a tizenkilenc méter mélybe, Mexikóban. Fotó: Dean Treml/Red Bull Cliff Diving

Thomas Traversa of France performs at the Mission 3 of the Red Bull Storm Chase at the Bluff in Cornwall, England on February 8 2014. // Sebastian Marko/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20140209-00255 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to for further information. //
photo_camera Thomas Traversa francia szörfös Anglia partjainál. Fotó: Sebastian Marko/Red Bull Content Pool

TJ Rogers performs a crooked grind at Red Bull's Last Resort just outside of Halifax, Canada on September 22, 2014 // Brian Caissie / Red Bull Comtemt Pool // P-20141209-00084 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to for further information. //
photo_camera TJ Rogers gördeszkás. Fotó: Brian Caissie / Red Bull Comtemt Pool

Nate Lacoste performs a Kickflip from bump to bump at Red Bull's Last Resort just outside of Halifax, Canada on September 22, 2014 // Brian Caissie / Red Bull Comtemt Pool // P-20141209-00074 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to for further information. //
photo_camera Nate Lacoste gördeszkás. Fotó: Brian Caissie / Red Bull Comtemt Pool

Ryan Decenzo performs a frontside ollie in the bowl at Red Bull's Last Resort just outside of Halifax, Canada on September 22, 2014 // Brian Caissie / Red Bull Comtemt Pool // P-20141209-00070 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to for further information. //
photo_camera Ryan Decenzo deszkázik Kanadában. Fotó: Red Bull Comtemt Pool


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