
Ilyen az élet egy szeparatisták által elfoglalt kelet-ukrajnai faluban

2015 február 26., 16:00
  • Február tizennyolcadikán adta fel az ukrán sereg a Donyeck megyei Debalceve városát, három nappal a minszki tűzszüneti megállapodás után,
  • a városnál stratégiai fontosságú vasúti csomópont található,
  • a békeidőben huszonötezer lakos élt a városban, a 2001-es népszámláson 65 százalékuk vallotta magát ukránnak,
  • a szakadárok ostroma a lakosok nagy része elmenekült, jelenleg a Vöröskereszt szerint ötezren, más források szerint tizenegyezren lehetnek Debalcevében,
  • a ukrán sereg 22 katonája halt meg a múlt heti ostrom során, 82-t keresnek. Kárpátaljáról a 45 éves Tóth Sándor tartalékos őrmester hunyt el a harcokban.
DEBALTSEVE, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 25:  A partially destroyed sign reading "Debaltseve" is seen on February 25, 2015 in Debaltseve, Ukraine. After approximately one month of fighting, Russian backed rebels successfully forced Ukrainian troops to withdraw from the town of 100,00 people on February 18. Only approximately 11,000 civilians remain in the town. Debaltseve is considered an asset to both Ukrainians and the rebels due to the railway station and its connection to other eastern Ukranian towns.  (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
photo_camera Debalceve főutcáján a megsérült névtábla. A város infrastruktúráját komoly veszteségek érték, akadozik a víz- és az áramellátás is. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

DEBALTSEVE, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 25:  A car drives over a partially destroyed bridge on February 25, 2015 in Debaltseve, Ukraine. After approximately one month of fighting, Russian backed rebels successfully forced Ukrainian troops to withdraw from the town on February 18. The town is considered an asset to both Ukrainians and the rebels due to the railway station and it's connection to other eastern Ukranian towns.  (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
photo_camera Félig lerombolt híd a város előtt. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

DEBALTSEVE, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 25:  Russian backed rebels examine a destroyed car on February 25, 2015 in Debaltseve, Ukraine. After approximately one month of fighting, Russian backed rebels successfully forced Ukrainian troops to withdraw from the town of 100,00 people on February 18. Only approximately 11,000 civilians remain in the town. Debaltseve is considered an asset to both Ukrainians and the rebels due to the railway station and its connection to other eastern Ukranian towns.  (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
photo_camera Oroszbarát szakadár fegyveres néz egy szétlőtt autót. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

UGLEGORSK, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 25:  A Russian backed rebel tank drives past a partially destroyed bridge on February 25, 2015 in Uglegorsk, Ukraine. After approximately one month of fighting, Russian backed rebels successfully forced Ukrainian troops to withdraw from the town of 100,00 people on February 18. Only approximately 11,000 civilians remain in the town. Debaltseve is considered an asset to both Ukrainians and the rebels due to the railway station and its connection to other eastern Ukranian towns.  (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
photo_camera Oroszbarát tank Ugleroszk mellett. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

DEBALTSEVE, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 25:  A partially destroyed projectile sits lodged in the street on February 25, 2015 in Debaltseve, Ukraine. After approximately one month of fighting, Russian backed rebels successfully forced Ukrainian troops to withdraw from the town of 100,00 people on February 18. Only approximately 11,000 civilians remain in the town. Debaltseve is considered an asset to both Ukrainians and the rebels due to the railway station and it's connection to other eastern Ukranian towns.  (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
photo_camera Betonba fúródott lövedék Debalceve egyik utcáján. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

DEBALTSEVE, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 25:  Civilians wait for hot tea to be served by Russian backed rebels on February 25, 2015 in Debaltseve, Ukraine. After approximately one month of fighting, Russian backed rebels successfully forced Ukrainian troops to withdraw from the town of 100,00 people on February 18. Only approximately 11,000 civilians remain in the town. Debaltseve is considered an asset to both Ukrainians and the rebels due to the railway station and it's connection to other eastern Ukranian towns.  (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
photo_camera Forró teáért sorbanállók. A Vöröskereszt kész segélyszállítmányt eljuttatni a városba, ha az oroszbarát fegyveresek garantálják a biztonságukat. Már összeállítottak egy gyógyszerekből, takarókból, gyertyákból álló csomagot. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

DEBALTSEVE, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 25:  Civilians wait in line outside a bank to receive a one time cash donation from Russian backed rebels on February 25, 2015 in Debaltseve, Ukraine. After approximately one month of fighting, Russian backed rebels successfully forced Ukrainian troops to withdraw from the town of 100,00 people on February 18. Only approximately 11,000 civilians remain in the town. Debaltseve is considered an asset to both Ukrainians and the rebels due to the railway station and it's connection to other eastern Ukranian towns.  (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
photo_camera Helyiek állnak sorban a bank előtt, az oroszbarát fegyveresektől érkező egyszeri segélyért. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

DEBALTSEVE, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 25:  Civilians fill out paper work in a bank to receive a one time cash donation from Russian backed rebels on February 25, 2015 in Debaltseve, Ukraine. After approximately one month of fighting, Russian backed rebels successfully forced Ukrainian troops to withdraw from the town of 100,00 people on February 18. Only approximately 11,000 civilians remain in the town. Debaltseve is considered an asset to both Ukrainians and the rebels due to the railway station and it's connection to other eastern Ukranian towns.  (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
photo_camera (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

DEBALTSEVE, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 25:  Civilians wander through the town as Russian backed rebels donate food, medicine and money to people on February 25, 2015 in Debaltseve, Ukraine. After approximately one month of fighting, Russian backed rebels successfully forced Ukrainian troops to withdraw from the town of 100,00 people on February 18. Only approximately 11,000 civilians remain in the town. Debaltseve is considered an asset to both Ukrainians and the rebels due to the railway station and its connection to other eastern Ukranian towns.  (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
photo_camera Segélycsomagot vívő férfi Debalcevében. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

DEBALTSEVE, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 25:  Men use bricks and mortar to repair a hole blown in the side of a bank during heavy fighting on February 25, 2015 in Debaltseve, Ukraine. After approximately one month of fighting, Russian backed rebels successfully forced Ukrainian troops to withdraw from the town on February 18. The town is considered an asset to both Ukrainians and the rebels due to the railway station and it's connection to other eastern Ukranian towns.  (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
photo_camera Sérült falat foltoznak. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

DEBALTSEVE, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 25:  Debris is scattered through a partially destroyed room at the Debaltseve train station on February 25, 2015 in Debaltseve, Ukraine. After approximately one month of fighting, Russian backed rebels successfully forced Ukrainian troops to withdraw from the town of 100,00 people on February 18. Only approximately 11,000 civilians remain in the town. Debaltseve is considered an asset to both Ukrainians and the rebels due to the railway station and it's connection to other eastern Ukranian towns.  (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
photo_camera Találatot kapott iroda a debalcevei vonatállomáson (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

DEBALTSEVE, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 25:  Igor Jakoulevna (C) pauses while eating lunch with his family in the basement of an administrative building, where people have been living since August due to continued fighting, on February 25, 2015 in Debaltseve, Ukraine. After approximately one month of fighting, Russian backed rebels successfully forced Ukrainian troops to withdraw from the town of 100,00 people on February 18. Only approximately 11,000 civilians remain in the town. Debaltseve is considered an asset to both Ukrainians and the rebels due to the railway station and it's connection to other eastern Ukranian towns.  (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
photo_camera Óvóhelyen várakozó emberek. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

DEBALTSEVE, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 25:  A dog runs around a bank while civilians receive a one time cash donation from Russian backed rebels on February 25, 2015 in Debaltseve, Ukraine. After approximately one month of fighting, Russian backed rebels successfully forced Ukrainian troops to withdraw from the town of 100,00 people on February 18. Only approximately 11,000 civilians remain in the town. Debaltseve is considered an asset to both Ukrainians and the rebels due to the railway station and it's connection to other eastern Ukranian towns.  (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
photo_camera Egy kutya az egyik üres debalcevei bankban. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

DEBALTSEVE, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 25:  A destroyed bus sits in the middle of the road between Debaltseve and Artyomovsk on February 25, 2015 in Debaltseve, Ukraine. Ukrainian soldiers fled down this road from Debaltseve to Artyomovsk after approximately one month of fighting with Russian backed rebels on February 18. Of the town's 100,000 people only approximately 11,000 civilians remain in the town. Debaltseve is considered an asset to both Ukrainians and the rebels due to the railway station and it's connection to other eastern Ukranian towns.  (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
photo_camera Kilőtt busz a Debalceve és Artyomovszk közötti úton. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)


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