Ide küld Magyarország száztíz katonát

2015 április 17., 22:04
  • Hétfőn szavazta meg a magyar Országgyűlés, hogy 150 katonával besegít az Amerikai vezette katona koalíció IS elleni harcába.
  • A kontingensből 110 magyar katona utazna az iraki Erbílbe, hogy ott 2017. december 31-ig biztosítási, kiképzési feladatokat lásson el.
  • Hende Csaba honvédelmi miniszter a Parlamentben elmondta, hogy az Amerikai Egyesült Államok "egyértelmű szövetségesi igényét fejezte ki Magyarország hozzájárulására".
  • Szijjártó Péter szerint a misszió költségvetése közel 20 milliárd forint lesz.
AL-KARMAH, IRAQ - APRIL 14:  Iraqi Army troops take positions on the frontline with ISIL on April 14, 2015 near Al-Karmah, in Anbar Province, Iraq. Iraqi government forces are assaulting ISIL fighters on frontline positions which were established last year when ISIL captured much of the province.  (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
photo_camera Iraki kormányerők Al-Karmah mellett, el-Anbar tartományban, ahol az IS harcosai három falut foglaltak el a hét második felében. Az offenzíva miatt közel kétezer család menekült el a környékről. Az IS fegyvereseinek célja a tartomány fővárosa, Ramádi. Szakértők szerint még sosem jártak ilyen közel ahhoz, hogy elfoglalják a várost.
Fotó: John Moore/Getty Images

AL-KARMAH, IRAQ - APRIL 14:  A Shia militia sniper from Abo al Fadhel al Abbas provides cover for Iraqi Army troops as they assault ISIL fighters on the frontline April 14, 2015 near Al-Karmah, in Anbar Province, Iraq. Shia militia forces continue to support the Iraqi Army as the government tries to push ISIL back from frontline positions in the predominantly Sunni area.  (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
photo_camera Síita milícia mesterlövésze az Irak-IS fronton. Csütörtökön Ramádi bizonyos kerületeit már az IS csapatai ellenőrizték, míg a város központját a biztonsági erők uralták. Helyi beszámolók szerint Ramádi teljesen kiürült: a boltok bezártak, az utcák üresek. Az koalíciós erők repülőkről bombázták a lázadók város mellett felállított állásait.
Fotó: John Moore/Getty Images

SAMARRA, IRAQ - APRIL 09:  A Shia militaman prays inside the al-Askari shrine on April 9, 2015 in Samarra, Iraq. The shrine, built in 944, was severely damaged in 2006-07 bombings by Sunni extremists and continues to undergo extensive renovation. The shrine was nearly captured by ISIS forces before Iraqi goverment forces pushed the Islamic extremists back in early April with the aid of U.S. airstrikes.  (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
photo_camera Síita katona imádkozik a szamarrai mecsetben. Az imahely még 944-ben épült, a 2006-2007-es bombázások alatt sérült meg.
Fotó: John Moore/Getty Images

EBRAHIM BEN ALI, IRAQ - APRIL 11:  Volunteers from the Shia Badr Brigade cheer after an exchange of fire with ISIS fighters on the frontline on April 11, 2015 in Ebrahim Ben Ali, in Anbar Province, Iraq. Shia militia and Iraqi government troops are preparing for an assault on ISIS forces in Anbar, much of which was captured by ISIS forces last year. Anbar Province was the site of the some of the fiercest fighting between U.S. and insurgent forces before American troops withdrew in 2010.  (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
photo_camera Síita milícia katonái. Az kormányerők oldalán harcoló önkénteseket az iraki katonák képzik ki.
Fotó: John Moore/Getty Images

TAJI, IRAQ - APRIL 12:  U.S. Army trainers set up targets at a military base on April 12, 2015 in Taji, Iraq. Members of the U.S. Army's 5-73 CAV, 3BCT, 82nd Airborne Division are teaching members of the newly-formed 15th Division of the Iraqi Army, as the Iraqi government launches offensives to try to recover territory lost to ISIS last year. U.S. forces, currently operating in 5 large bases throught the country, are training thousands of Iraqi Army combat troops, trying to rebuild a force they had origninally trained before the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq in 2010.  (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
photo_camera Amerikai kiképzőbázis Tajiban. Irakban jelenleg 5 támaszponton folyik amerikaiak által vezetett kiképzés, hogy a 2010-es kivonulás után újra összeálló iraki hadsereg ütőképes legyen.
Fotó: John Moore / Getty Images

TAJI, IRAQ - APRIL 12:  A U.S. Army trainer (L), instructs an Iraqi Army recruit at a military base on April 12, 2015 in Taji, Iraq. U.S. forces, currently operating in 5 large bases throught the country, are training thousands of Iraqi Army combat troops, trying to rebuild a force they had origninally trained before the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq in 2010. Members of the U.S. Army's 5-73 CAV, 3BCT, 82nd Airborne Division are teaching members of the newly-formed 15th Division of the Iraqi Army, as the Iraqi government launches offensives to try to recover territory lost to ISIS last year.  (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
photo_camera Fotó: John Moore/Getty Images

AL-KARMAH, IRAQ - APRIL 14: Shia militia from Abu al Fadhel al Abbas support Iraqi Army troops as they assault ISIL fighters on the frontline April 14, 2015 near Al-Karmah, in Anbar Province, Iraq. Shia militia forces continue to assist the Iraqi Army as the government tries to push ISIL back from frontline positions in the predominantly Sunni area.  (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
photo_camera Az Al-Karmah mellett húzódó frontvonalra érkeznek meg az Abu al Fadhel al Abbas síita milícia tagjai.
Fotó: John Moore/Getty Images

AL-KARMAH, IRAQ - APRIL 14:  Iraqi Army troops stand near the frontline with ISIL fighters on April 14, 2015 near Al-Karmah, in Anbar Province, Iraq. Iraqi government forces are assaulting ISIL on frontline positions, which were established last year when ISIL captured much of the province.  (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
photo_camera Fotó: John Moore/Getty Images

AL-KARMAH, IRAQ - APRIL 14:  Iraqi Army troops stand in a field headquarters behind the frontline with ISIL on April 14, 2015 near Al-Karmah, in Anbar Province, Iraq. Iraqi government forces are assaulting ISIL fighters on frontline positions which were established last year when ISIL captured much of the province.  (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
photo_camera Fotó: John Moore/Getty Images

AL-KARMAH, IRAQ - APRIL 14:  An Iraqi Army soldier observes as fellow troops assault ISIL fighters on the frontline on April 14, 2015 near Al-Karmah, in Anbar Province, Iraq. Iraqi government forces are assaulting ISIL fighters on frontline positions which were established last year when ISIL captured much of the province.  (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
photo_camera Fotó: John Moore/Getty Images

AL-KARMAH, IRAQ - APRIL 14:  Iraqi Army troops travel in U.S. supplied armored vehicles along the frontline with ISIL on April 14, 2015 near Al-Karmah, in Anbar Province, Iraq. Iraqi government forces are assaulting ISIL fighters, trying to push them back from frontline positions which were established last year when ISIL captured much of the province.  (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
photo_camera Fotó: John Moore/Getty Images

Iraqi pro-government forces, including the Shiite Muslim Al-Abbas popular mobilisation unit, fire a rocket as a part of an operation to retake the Baiji oil refinery from Islamic State (IS) group jihadists, on April 16, 2015. The refinery -- some 200 kilometres (120 miles) north of Baghdad -- once produced some 300,000 barrels of refined products per day, meeting half the country's needs. AFP PHOTO / MOHAMMED SAWAF
photo_camera Bagdadtól kétszáz kilométerre északra, Bajiinál lövik az IS csapatait az iraki kormányerők.

TOPSHOTS An Iraqi man cries over body-bags containing the remains of people believed to have been slain by jihadists of the Islamic State (IS) group lie on the ground at the Speicher camp in the Iraqi city of Tikrit, on April 12, 2015. The Islamic State (IS) jihadist group executed hundreds of mostly Shiite recruits last June in what is known as the Speicher massacre, named for the military base near which they were captured. Thirteen grave sites have been found -- 10 in the palace complex and three outside, Haider Majid, an employee of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's office working on the Speicher issue, said.   AFP PHOTO / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
photo_camera A Tikrit melletti Speicher menekülttáborra csaptak le az iszlamista fegyveresek a hét első felében. Több tucatnyian meghaltak.


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