Szegény pingpongozókra sosincsenek tekintettel a fotósok

2014 április 29., 12:36

Most van Tokióban az asztalitenisz-világbajnokság, ahogy Szocsiban a jégtáncosokat, a fotósok most sem kímélik a versenyzőket. Íme a reuterses Yuya Shino fotói az elmúlt 24 órából.

China's Xu eyes ball as he serves to Brazil's Tsuboi during World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

Germany's Mengel returns ball to Singapore's Chew during World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

Singapore's Yang returns a ball to Germany's Ovtcharov during World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

Germany's Boll eyes ball as he serves to Singapore's Gao during World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

Singapore's Gao returns ball to Germany's Boll during World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

Czech Republic's Vacenovska returns the ball to Hong Kong's Lee during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

Netherlands' Li returns the ball to South Korea's Seo during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

South Korea's Seok Hajung eyes the ball as she serves to Netherlands' Eerland during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

South Korea's Jung hits return to Belarus' Samsonov during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

South Korea's Joo hits a return to Belarus' Khanin during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

Japan's Matsudaira htis a return to Greece's Konstantinos Papageorgiou during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

Greece's Kreanga hits a return to Japan's Mizutani during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

Belarus' Khanin hits a return to South Korea's Joo during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

China's Ding hits a return to Poland's Kusinska during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

Japan's Ishikawa hits a return to Belarus' Privalova during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

Belarus' Pavlovich hits a return to Japan's Hirano during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

South Korea's Yang hits a return to France's Grundisch during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

Hong Kong's Ng hits a return to Serbia's Erdelji during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

South Korea's Joo hits a return to Spain's Robles during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

South Korea's Cho hits a return to Spain's Duran during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

China's Wang hits a return to Poland's Fertikowski during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

China's Zhang eyes the ball as he hits a return to Poland's Floras during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

China's Fan hits a return to Poland's Gorak during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

China's Fan eyes the ball as he serves to Poland's Gorak during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

China's Ding eyes the ball as she serves to Slovakia's Odorova during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

China's Ding serves to Slovakia's Odorova during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

Japan's Ishikawa serves to Wu of the U.S. during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

Japan's Ishikawa eyes the ball as she serves to Wu of the U.S. during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

China's Zhu Yuling hits a return to Slovakia's Barbora Balazova during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

China's Zhu Yuling hits a return to Slovakia's Barbora Balazova during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

Japan's Mori hits a return to Jha of the U.S. during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

Japan's Matsudaira hits a return to Romania's Szocs during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

Japan's Mizutani hits a return to Romania's Cazacu during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

Japan's Mizutani eyes the ball as he hits a return to Romania's Cazacu during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

Hong Kong's Jiang eyes the ball as she serves to Ukraine's Pesotska during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

Germany's Ovtcharov hits a return to Denmark's Groth during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

Ukraine's Pesotska hits a return to Hong Kong's Jiang during the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo

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