Levegőtlen vákuum, csavarodó csípő - tényleg Murakami Haruki írta a legrosszabb szexjelenetet?

2014 november 13., 10:17

A brit Literary Review minden évben kiosztja a Worst Sex in Fiction díjat az irodalmi művekben szereplő legrosszabb szexjelenetekért. Az idei jelöltek közé bekerült a sokak által Nobel-esélyesnek tartott japán író, Murakami Haruki és az ideji Boooker díjas ausztrál Richard Flanagan is.

Sajnos nincs kéznél egyik kötet sem, úgyhogy itt van angolul a két részlet, döntse el mindenki maga, melyik a rosszabb.

Murakami Haruki: A színtelen Tazaki Cukuru és zarándokévei (részlet)

The girls entwined themselves lithely around Tsukuru. Kuro's breasts were full and soft. Shiro's were small, but her nipples were as hard as tiny round pebbles. Their pubic hair was as wet as a rain forest. Their breath mingled with his, becoming one, like currents from far away, secretly overlapping at the dark bottom of the sea.

These insistent caresses continued until Tsukuru was inside the vagina of one of the girls. It was Shiro. She straddled him, took hold of his rigid, erect penis, and deftly guided it inside her. His penis found its way with no resistance, as if swallowed up into an airless vacuum. She took a moment, gathering her breath, then began slowly rotating her torso, as if she were drawing a complex diagram in the air, all the while twisting her hips. Her long, straight black hair swung above him, sharply, like a whip.

Richard Flanagan: Keskeny út a messzi Északra (részlet)

Whatever had held them apart, whatever had restrained their bodies before, was now gone. If the earth spun it faltered, if the wind blew it waited. Hands found flesh; flesh, flesh. He felt the improbable weight of her eyelash with his own; he kissed the slight, rose-coloured trench that remained from her knicker elastic, running around her belly like the equator line circling the world. As they lost themselves in the circumnavigation of each other, there came from nearby shrill shrieks that ended in a deeper howl.

Dorrigo looked up. A large dog stood at the top of the dune. Above blood-jagged drool, its slobbery mouth clutched a twitching fairy penguin.

Mind a nyolc jelölt és az összes részlet a Guardianen.


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