Idomeni Blues

2016 március 04., 10:32
comments 48

Ezt a videót a görög - macedón határon készítette Marcel van der Steen holland újságíró, egy kurd család sátrában. Macedónia lezárta a határt, és már tízezer ember várakozik a mezőn Idomeni határátkelőnél, hogy északra juthasson.

A dal egy menekült lányról szól, aki szégyelli, hogy Európában számkivetettként él, és az is felmerül benne, hogy méltóbb otthon éhezni mint alig megtűrt menekültként jól lakni.

A dal angol fordítása így hangzik:

My Dear

In the streets of a city in Europe
I met a Kurdish girl
Abandoned, walking
She came to me heartily
It was apparent she was looking for a solution

I said, my dear
My pretty, my friend
Abandoned, homeless
What do you go like that?

I said, my dear
My pretty, my friend
Abandoned, homeless
What do you go like that?

She said, eh brother
The oppression of the black light has come upon us
Today we left to distant lands
There are thousands of people like me
Without work, without money
In foreign countries we have become ashamed

I said, my dear
My pretty, my friend
Abandoned, homeless
What can I do?

I said, my dear
My pretty, my friend
Abandoned, homeless
What can I do?
I do not know what to do /
So tell me what should I do

She said again, eh brother
Yes, they have not told the truth
The homeland of men is the best
If there was a bit of freedom
It is more honorable to be hungry in my country
Rather than being satisfied in another country.

I said, my dear
My pretty, my friend
Abandoned, homeless
Yes, you have spoken well

I said, my dear
My pretty, my friend
Abandoned, homeless
Our country is our honor /
So, we must make our country happy /
The homeland is freedom


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